Tawarruq Asset Financing

Tawarruq Asset Financing is an Islamic term financing facility offered to finance asset acquisition / financing such as land*, building, plant, machinery, equipment, vessels etc.


Key Features

Financing Purpose
  • Asset Financing
Financing Amount / Limit
  • Minimum RM 20.0 Million
  • Maximum RM 500.0 Million.

The maximum financing limit is subject to the margin of financing.

Financing Tenure
  • Up to 25 years
Shariah Concept
  • Tawarruq
Margin of Financing
  • Up to 90%
Fees and Charges

*Financing on standalone basis is not allowed. Facility to be offered with other facility, for asset financing and working capital financing purpose.

Click here to download the Product Disclosure Sheet


IMPORTANT NOTE: The final approval on the financing granted is subject to the Bank’s credit assessments and discretion.