Islamic Financing Facilities

Type of Islamic Financing facilities available are:-

Tawarruq Asset Financing (TWA)

Tawarruq Asset Financing is an Islamic term financing facility offered to finance asset acquisition such as land*, building, plant, machinery, equipment, vessels etc.


Tawarruq Fixed Working Capital (TWF)

Tawarruq Financing for Fixed Working Capital is an Islamic term financing facility offered to part finance the working capital requirements which includes advances, operating and pre-operating expenditure.


Tawarruq Revolving Working Capital (TWQR)

Tawarruq Revolving Working Capital is an Islamic revolving facility offered to part finance the working capital requirements which includes advances, receivables, operating and pre-operating expenditure.


Islamic Bank Guarantee (BG-i)

Bank Guarantee-i is a written undertaking by the Bank to a third party to secure an obligation by the customer. The Bank provides assurances to pay certain sum of amount upon demand by the third party, in the event the customer fails to fulfil their obligation.


*Note: Financing on standalone basis is not allowed. Facility to be offered with other facility, for asset financing and working capital financing purpose.